How to create a Product Group

In addition to custom groups that you create and maintain, RoasterTools also adds new products to a list of system groups: blends, single origin, other and bundles.

We discuss how to create a product group, as well as how to edit and maintain these groups going forward below.   

How to create a product group

  1. Click the "Products" menu item, then select "Product Groups"

  2. Click the "+ New Product Group"
  3. Assign products in the new product group page
  4. Click "Create Product group" to save your custom group

System Groups

RoasterTools assigns new products to one of four "system" groups when a new product is created.  

Please note: if you update a product, and the product type changes - let's say the coffee goes from being connected to a blend from a single roast - the system group is not updated.  You will have to update this association manually.


The blends system group is used for both post-roast blends as well as pre-roast blends. 

Single Origin

The single origin system group is used for products created from single roasts.


Any product that is not coffee or a blend is added to other.  


If you've created a  bundle, it is added automatically to this system-generated group.

Custom Groups

You can also create custom groups of products that may or may not include multiple product types.  

For example, you may decide to create a custom group of all of your "House Blends" that you'd like to discount from time to time.

Or perhaps you'd like to create a group of products, some coffee-related and others not, that will go on sale for nxt month.  Custom groups make it easy to do so!

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