Creating Exclusive Bags

  1. Overview
  2. Creating an Exclusive Bag
  3. Examples


In this article, we'll explain how to make a bag exclusive to one customer (or group of customers).

RoasterTools allows roasters to have bags that are only available to select customers.

Examples of when to use this: 

  • A custom bag is used for a customer (or group) often with a custom blend
  • You toll roast or white label roast - you can make those bags exclusive to the customer
  • A customer wants to differentiate their product.

Creating an Exclusive Bag

  • In the Roaster Tools app, navigate to Inventory>Bags and click the "+ New Bag" button.

  • On the bag details screen, once you have named your bag and filled out all the corresponding information, check the "Exclusive Bag" checkbox. This will limit the visibility of that specific bag and will only be available for selected customers or customer groups that you specify.

  • On the Customers or Customer Groups box section, you can select both options on who shall have access to order the exclusive bag, whether there are customers and customer groups, or only one option.

  • Click "Save" to finish setting up the exclusive bag.

Once created, the exclusive bag will only be visible to the selected customers you've chosen.

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