(Outdated Method): Using Shipstation to import commerce Orders

NOTE: The steps described below are for a previous and inferior method of importing commerce orders. If you are setting up a new commerce integration, please see this page for instructions to setup your Commerce Connection

Using Shipstation to connect to your E commerce

Whether you use Shopify, WooCommerce, SquareSpace, or many other Ecommerce platforms, you can easily import your store's orders into RoasterTools via ShipStation. (To see if your store connects with ShipStation, click here.)

Connecting ShipStation to RoasterTools 

  1. Click here to read how to generate these special keys inside of ShipStation
  2. Return to RoasterTools, and click Your Name >  Integrations and select the ShipStation integration.  
  3. Copy and paste the "API key" and "API secret" from ShipStation into RoasterTools, and click "Connect".

Tip: When copying and pasting the API key and secret, be sure there is not a leading space at the beginning of the line. That could block the connection!

Once the screen refreshes, you'll see a list of stores inside of ShipStation.  If you haven't connected any stores to your ShipStation account, such as your ecommerce platform, don't worry - you can refresh the list at any point.

Selecting an Import Store

You must select an "Import Store" for RoasterTools to know to import orders.  Visit the ShipStation integration page to choose from your available stores:

  1. Click Refresh Store List if your store(s) isn't listed
  2. Select one or more import stores with the checkbox
  3. Click Update Settings

If your products have been created inside of RoasterTools, you can now follow this  help article to update SKUs on your ecommerce platform so that RoasterTools can successfully import orders.

Select an Export Store for Wholesale Orders on ShipStation

In addition to the import store, you'll also need to create an additional store in ShipStation.  You can follow this help article on how to create these RoasterTools specific stores inside of ShipStation.

ShipStation: Sync an order to ShipStation on demand

You can now export an order to ShipStation that was previously set to a shipping method that didn't require a shipping label, or did not go through production at all (archived order).

You will be able to sync these orders as long as one of these conditions is met:

  • marked as fulfilled in a production run (basically means that all items are marked as fulfilled)
  • OR you skipped production / marked it as archived

You can find the command to 'Sync to ShipStation' either on the Orders list, by clicking on the dropdown: 

OR you can view an individual invoice and do it there at the bottom of the screen:

If you want the shipping cost to update, please change the shipping method to something that requires a shipping label first, and then 'Sync with ShipStation'.  

It'll then update the shipping cost like normal.  

How To Update Settings When You Stop Using Shipstation to Import Orders

These are the settings for when you enable the new Direct Commerce Connections and no longer need to import orders via shipstation.

When a direct e-commerce connection has been made and you have stopped using ShipStation to import your commerce orders, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Enter your Shipstation settings
  • Uncheck the import checkbox in Step #2
  • Uncheck the import orders automatically option in Step #3
  • Save changes

This will prevent any issues with the shipstation/new commerce connection imports.

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