Getting On Board: Things to Consider


You've just made the amazing decision to take your coffee business to the next level with RoasterTools.  Our team is excited to help you get rolling with the program. The initial set up for RoasterTools may feel a bit overwhelming, as you load in all of your products and customers.  The quicker you get set up on the system, the quicker you will begin seeing the full benefits of the program.  So, let's get started!

Designating Roles

RoasterTools allows you to have an unlimited number of users on the app.  It may be helpful at this point to designate roles within your business and assign a point person for the various responsibilities.  
The main roles you will want to consider are:
Wholesale Lead
Roasting Lead
Production Assistants

Green Manager/Buyer (if different from lead roaster)

For smaller companies, you may find that one or two people are in charge of the whole operation.  It helps to outline who will be doing which tasks within the set up process.  This will help with accountability, execution and follow up in the process.
From this point on, we will outline tasks for each role.

Collecting Information

  • Customer Information - Wholesale Lead - Collect customer information including contact person, billing address, shipping/delivery address, preferred production/delivery dates
  • Green Information - Roasting Lead or Green Manager/Buyer - Information on all current green coffee in inventory including lot name, origin, bag marks/reference numbers, crop year, certifications and price per pound.
  • Blend Information - Roasting Lead - Information on all blends including percentages for green included or for roasted coffee included (post-roast blends).
  • Roast Information - Roasting Lead - Information for each roast in the product line up, including percent of weight loss and range of roasting batch size.
  • Service Integrations - Bookkeeping or Wholesale Lead- All user information and passwords for services used including Shopify, Square, ShipStation, and QuickBooks.  
  • Complete Product List - Wholesale Lead - Complete list of all products and applicable bag size and grind options available with each, including all pricing pertaining to the items.
  • Discounts/Pricing Structures - Wholesale Lead or Bookkeeping - Any unique pricing structures or discounts that are used with your customers.

It may feel like this a fairly lengthy list, and that's because it is.  RoasterTools has the capability to integrate and streamline your entire business.  Once the information is in and you are set up, it's all smooth sailing.  

As always, the RoasterTools team is here to help.  We are invested in your success.  If you encounter any snags along the process, don't hesitate to reach out.  

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