How to Assign Customers to Production Days
Want to know who to contact, based upon your production schedule? How about automatically selecting a production date, based upon the customer when you create a new order?
You can now assign a customer to one or more Production Days:
- Click "Customers" menu, select "Customers" sub-menu item.
- Click "edit" on the customer you'd like to assign to a roast day.
- Scroll down to the section called "Production Day(s)"
Select one or more days that you want to assign this customer's production to.
- Click Save
How will this help manage sales?
- New orders will select the next roast day, automatically! If today is a roast day, it will select today.
- This includes orders placed through the Portal!
Use the "Sales" dashboard feature to see which customers have ordered, and which haven't - based upon roast day! You can change the day of the week easily to see the orders for the next week. (note: only customers assigned a Production day will show up on this sales call list)
- You can add a phone number to the shipping address in your customer to make that display on this call list.
Where Does the customer see this:
The Production Day is displayed on the invoice and packing slips: