Bulk Production Process: Cold Brew or Co-Packed Products

This is the setup and process for roasting beans in bulk to create cold brew or co packed products.

In this process, an order is placed by your team to roast beans that will be used in the production of products. Once the products are created, inventory is added to those products in the app. And order from your customer for the products will deduct from inventory and will not be tied to the production process of needing to roast more beans.

NOTE: If you want the ordering of the end product (ex a keg of cold brew) to be tied to production (you are producing the product on demand vs fulfilling from inventory) Please see this article.

These are two examples of when to use this process: 

1. Bulk Cold Brew: you produce a large quantity of beans that will be used to brew large, bulk batches of cold brew.  That cold brew will then be packaged up for sale as other various products.  These products, such as Cold brew kegs or bottled RTD (read to drink) cold brew will be setup as Non coffee products. 

2. Beans for CoPacking: You produce a large amount of coffee that will be sent to a co-packer to create another product you will sell: such as K cups, Frac Packs, or Brew bags.  When you have a co packer put together the end product, you will create those end products (case of frac packs or k cups) as “non coffee items.”

Overview of the Process

  • You will create an internal customer that will place an order for the beans to be roasted in a large batch.
  • When the order is placed, the team will produce the coffee and fulfill the order for this customer
  • The beans are then used to create the end product (cold brew kegs, bottles or frac pack cases). Once the products are created, you'll add inventory to the products in RT
  • When an order is placed by a customer, it is fulfilled from the inventory of the items.
  • When you get low on inventory, you repeat the process

The Setup:

  1. Create a Customer for Internal Non - Billable Orders.  Example “Internal Roaster: Non Billable Orders”

    Your team will be placing an order for the coffee to be produced that you’ll be using for the coffee products (ex. cold brew, frac pacs, k cups, or brew bags).  

  2. Create a “Bag” with the weight that you produce the coffee. 

    Example: If you produce a batch of cold brew using 80 lbs of beans, you’d create a bag called “Production Cold Brew” with a weight of 80lbs.  If you want flexibility in how much, you can choose an incremental weight that works best for you. 

    You can make this “bag” exclusive to the non billable customer that you created above that will be ordering the coffee for internal use.

  3. Create a new coffee product that will be used in ordering.  Example “Cold Brew Batch Beans / Internal Use”or “CoPack Beans” that is:

    - exclusive to the customer created in step 1

    - Not available on the portal

    - with a $0 price

    - only activate the “bag” size in step 2 is active

For the sellable Products created from these beans:  

  1. Create a Non Coffee Product that reflects the end product you’re selling (ex case of k cups or cold brew kegs or bottles)

  2. When you have created the products (or gotten an order back from the co packer) you can add inventory to the product

  3. Your customer will be placing orders for the "non coffee" items and once fulfilled it will be deducted from inventory

  4. When your inventory gets low, you can repeat the process.
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