How to Plan Tasks in Operations
Planning in Operations is a crucial part of the RoasterTools process. Many of us use AutoPlan on a daily basis but it's always good to have a handle on the manual functions and feature of planning Tasks in Operations.
How to Plan Tasks
Select Plan Tasks from your Today's Checklist or navigate to Tasks from your Operations drop-down menu. From here, you can plan tasks for Roasts, Pre-Blends, Blends, Package, Label, Grind, and Bundle. It is important to note that Pre-Blend is a subtask of Roast. Likewise, Label and Grind are subtasks of Package.
You can plan tasks manually or use the powerful feature, AutoPlan, to automatically plan your tasks for the day. To use AutoPlan, select the AutoPlan button from your Operations Dashboard or in the top right corner of the Operations: Plan page.
A note about AutoPlan: AutoPlan only creates tasks and does not delete tasks. If you edit the scheduled roasts for the day, you must manually delete any overflow tasks.
Manually planning tasks is an easy way to customize your roast day beyond AutoPlan. If you want to add a little extra coffee to a roast just in case, manually planning tasks is the way to go.
To create a new task, select the plus sign button next to the item you want to plan a task for. A window will pop up with options for your planned task.
To delete a task, select the task block then select the trash can button that appears next to the bulk action menu. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
Using Filters in Plan
Our powerful filtering feature will allow you to search your tasks and narrow your field. For example, if you need to search for all Roasts with Outstanding Demand, you can do that! You can also search by keyword.