How to Create a Price Level
Please note: this feature is available by request, depending upon your plan. Please contact Support to request this feature.
How to Create a Price Level
- Visit Sales > Price Levels, click "+ New Price Level"
- Name the Price Level
- Select one or more Variants that you would like to create a new price for, and enter in the Price
- Click save
How to Apply a Price Level to a Customer
- Visit Sales > Customers, click Edit for a specific Customer
- Scroll down to the Price Level section
- Select the appropriate Price Level
How to Test a Price Level
- Create a manual order
- Select a customer with a Price Level enabled
- Select the Variant that has a Price Level applied in the Product dropdown
- The Price Level price should be displayed
- You can repeat this process with the Portal if this customer orders with the Portal
Important note: In the manual order creation section, prices will not be reflected with their corresponding price level, these will only be visible once the order is created.
If the order is created and you go back to the order editing section, you will now see the price level assigned in the price, but if you add new discounted items, they will not reflect until you create or update the order.